We Only Work In Spirals
“Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules which are repeated without end.” – Benoît Mandelbröt, 1924-2010
WOWIS is an immersive, multi-disciplinary experience that brings together the different artistic worlds of circus, music and performance, aiming to create a new surreal one. The two creators unfold on stage an instant-sound ritual of acts. The idea is based on a comprehensive form of staging that centers on live performed soundscapes, movement, meta-scenical games and sensory atmospherics.

The “we” in the very beginning of this creation was referring to its two members that were using spirals as an inspiration in order to develop their live soundscapes through looping sound and to approach the movement’s evolution during the performance. After working more deeply on this idea of spirals and understanding the way they are integrated into every single thing that exists, the “we” lost its main spotlight to the individuals but got a more universal character.